Challenge: Regulatory Complexity and Uncertainty
The Regulatory Environment has become more complex and onerous, with responsibility for compliance of the data in the remit of the organization that owns the data. The addition of Data Lakes to existing Data Warehouses and IT Systems within enterprises has added further complexity to the implementation of comprehensive Governance and Compliance systems across an organization.
Some key challenges that companies are facing:
Enforcing Compliance (GDPR, BCBS 239, etc.) across all of the data processing activities in a company
Recording the compliance activity and storing the data in a usable manner
Ensuring all employees and users of data are aware of the responsibilities

Impact: Identify & Resolve Errors during Implementation
Governance is a zero-sum game, if there is a gap in the recording of the data at any stage in the governance and lineage process then compliance is compromised. Most organizations have only actively been recording governance and lineage data over the last few years, and this is typically done by adding this step onto an existing data processing pipeline. This results in very patchy implementation as human error in the coding, forgetting to add the governance step, etc. leads to gaps in your Governance data. With BDM Governance module, we solve all these problems.

Solution: Advanced Data Governance & Lineage Process
The BDM Governance module removes the need for any human interaction in the process. At the core of its solution is Atlas, which it uses as a single repository source for all governance and lineage recorded in the system. However, BDM is compatible with all major Data Catalogues (Collibra, Alation, etc.) and all of the data governance information it collects can be stored in the data catalogue of your choice.
As pipelines are created BDM automatically writes code to record all of the pipeline activities in Atlas, creating and updating entities as appropriate, and storing all of the data on a granular transaction level. In this way all of the programming and entity creation work around Governance is automated by BDM, removing the need for any human involvement in the process.
Opportunity: Enhance your Regulatory Safeguards
Staying a step ahead of threats, BDM helps your IT department apply sophisticated, flexible rules to enforce compliance across all your users and activities. The key benefits include:
Cost-effectively protect business applications and databases from the risk of data breaches and legal problems
Consistency of data throughout the enterprise. Removes the disparate data management that often exists
The audit trail is always available for accountability and responsibility